Handmade wooden bowls sustainably produced

Our wooden bowls made of natural ash are practical items for everyday use. They can be used in many different ways as fruit, nut, salad, decoration or jewellery bowls and always form the optical centre at their respective place of use.

In terms of sustainability, all bowls are made of glued solid wood without surface treatment. Our wooden bowls are produced by small turneries - mostly one-man businesses - by hand in Germany. The raw wood usually comes from regional sawmills or timber companies that are certified according to FSC.

hand made

high quality
produced sustainably

What distinguishes our wooden bowls

Wooden bowls from glued solid wood

Special design from solid wood

Our wooden shells are turned from selected, sustainably grown solid wood. Solid wood consists entirely of real wood and we manufacture them from pieces of wood of equal size glued together.

Each of our bowls follows the kommod philosophy: simple, practical and pleasant.

The meticulously crafted bowls are not only storage aids suitable for everyday use, but also a very pleasant eye-catcher. The clear shapes and small radii in the design combined with the warm tonality of ash form a modern and elegant unit.

Produced by traditional handicraft

Our turned wooden shells are produced by hand by small turneries in Germany. The woodturner's craft, whose history goes back several thousand years, is demonstrably one of the oldest trades of all.

This form of handicraft, which was included in the nationwide register of intangible cultural heritage, is rarely found today. This fact also presents us with the challenge of finding suitable turneries which produce our wooden shells.

Each of our wooden bowls is a very special piece of craftsmanship.

Turner in the production of shells

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